Monday, September 2, 2013

Woulda shoulda coulda

When I left my doctor's office, what I SHOULD have done was to start thinking about holistic ways to make sure that my fibroids wouldn't get out of hand.  At minimum, I SHOULD have done my research and figured out that my currently remarkable fibroids could escalate to the site of a small state.  Amazing that I, with my high level of intellectual curiosity and tendencies to research everything in the world, failed to research something as important as foreign beings growing in my body.

But, I did none of that.  I think I shared my news with a few girlfriends, and each of them said some derivation of "Yeah?  I have those too," or "my aunt/sister/mother/co-worker had them too, and she was fine.  A lot of women have them."  For some reason, I figured that having fibroids was about as common as having toenails.

So, I stuck my head directly up my ass and went on with my life.

Over the years I heard more fibroid tales -- usually about some poor woman who had a 35-day period as a symptom of her fibroids.  As time went on, a few of my girlfriends had laparascopic surgeries to remove their fibroids and resume normal menstrual cycles.  The surgeries had long recovery times and left ugly scars.  While I realized that I had fibroids, it never occurred to me that I would have a similar problem.  My periods were fine, and regulated by the bc pills that I took religiously -- whether or not there was a man in my life.  And if my periods were okay, I was okay.  Right?

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