Sunday, November 3, 2013

Post-Op news

Well, I had the surgery and I'm in recovery -- if that's what we're calling this.

Last Monday, I had the hysterectomy.  My ovaries and cervix were left, and I stayed in the hospital for two nights in both excruciating pain and boredom.

I should have written this post earlier because there's a lot that I no longer feel like writing about, and things that I've likely forgotten, like being awakened every 2 hours for vitals, and once each night at 3:00 am to have blood drawn.

To bring us up to speed, I went home from the hospital two days later on Wednesday.  I was a slave to my pain meds for the first few days, until I realized that I was still in pain, and could do nothing that I wanted to do.  In fact, this is one of the worst experiences of my life.  So, I decided to go off the meds.

Sounds counterintuitive, right?

More on this later.